Slow Flow

These classes aim to loosen up the body and mind, while also having some challenging poses to push you further and build stamina. Either way, you leave feeling more spacious and grounded.

Vinyasa Flow

A sequence of yoga poses flowing from one to the other. Regular practice helps build strength in the body and mind, supported by the awareness of the connection to your breath.


Relax and recharge in this slow, deep practice that targets connective tissue, fascia and joints in a gentle way. Long-held postures encourage flow to the associated areas of the body, promoting nourishment through the meridians of the body.



Daily meditation with the technique you learn here at “nük life”, helps destress the body bit by bit. We gently lead you into it and support you along the way.

After all, your brain is also a muscle that needs to be “strengthened” in this new way, and that does not happen over night!


"Change is not something that we should fear. Rather, it is something that we should welcome. For without change, nothing in this world would ever grow or blossom, and no one in this world would ever move forward to become the person they’re meant to be.” –B.K.S Iyengar